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In the past few months, traffic on Twitter has exploded growing far beyond its circle of bleeding edge tech enthusiasts and hard core social networkers. Twitter is growing at the rate of 1382 percent as of March '09. Twitter is neither a fad nor a feature, its a growing giant.


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Twitturly - Tracking Retweeted URLs

Posted by Sathis Raj S On 4:36 AM

Twitturly tracks URLs being sent throughout Twitter and provides a real time view of what people are talking about on Twitter. When someone sends a URL to their followers, the URL is automatically given a vote. If the URL also retweeted, then the URL is given votes according to the number of retweets. The more votes the URL gets in the last 24 hours, the higher it ranks on the Top 100 Twitturly List. It doesnt matter whether people use the direct link or shortened URLs because Twitturly's spiders visit each and every link before ranking them.

The Top 100 list consists of URLs that are only famous during the previous 24 hours. Moreover all kinds of URLs being sent by robots which are considered spam are also eliminated by Twitturly's extra-smart algorithm. I find it really useful because it keeps the readers updated about the happenings on the Twitterverse. The service is almost similar to that of Tweetmeme minus the dynamic updating service.

What does Twitturly offer?

There are four categories in Twitturly,
  • Everything
  • News
  • Pics
  • Videos
Twitturly also provides a profile search where it lists down all the URLs the particular user has ever tweeted. My Top 100 provides you with the Top 100 URLs the people you follow have tweeted, thus providing a news channel like service.

Twitturly is an amazing tool. Try it out and keep yourself updated.

Follow Twitturly.
Follow Joel Strellner.
Follow Tony Fonseca.
Follow Adam Lum.

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Sathis Raj
Techie, Blogger, Web Developer & Social Media Enthusiast

Techie, Blogger & Software Programmer


*We are not affiliated with Twitter or any other products mentioned above. The products are analyzed from our own point of view.

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