Twitter is the popular web service on the planet. The amazing growth of Twitter is luring everybody around. Connect to your friends and customers using Twitter. Network with umpteen number of users at the same time.
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In the past few months, traffic on Twitter has exploded growing far beyond its circle of bleeding edge tech enthusiasts and hard core social networkers. Twitter is growing at the rate of 1382 percent as of March '09. Twitter is neither a fad nor a feature, its a growing giant.


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Lily is a Firefox add-on that allows users to create rich, complex applications in a web browser. With Lily it's possible to make programs that mashup the web or the desktop, visualize and animate data, modify webpages, play music, or connect to world outside the computer. Lily programs can be shared with other Lily users as text files or run by anyone as Firefox add-ons or standalone XULRunner applications. Lily runs on Mac, Windows or Linux, just like Firefox.

Twitter SpellCheck lets you check the spelling of a word from your cellphone. It uses the Twitter API to send and recieve messages from the cellphone and the Yahoo suggested Spelling service to look up the spelling. Two seperate Twitter accounts are required - one for Lily and the other one for yourself. You'll also need to enable your cellphone in the Twitter account settings. In the patch you'll need to add your Twitter user/pass as an argument to the twitter object. The new twitter object implements most of the api methods, including the direct message feature which I'm using in this patch. The code also includes an example of doing basic auth with xmlhttp. You can download it and the twitter spellchecker patch here.
There are two versions for download available

The latest stable release. Includes documentation, demos and example code.

The most recent nightly build. Experimental and untested. Use at your own risk.

Check out here on how to install .XPI files.

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Sathis Raj
Techie, Blogger, Web Developer & Social Media Enthusiast

Techie, Blogger & Software Programmer


*We are not affiliated with Twitter or any other products mentioned above. The products are analyzed from our own point of view.

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