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Witty - Twitter client for Vista

Posted by Sathis Raj S On 12:03 AM

Witty is an open-source, twitter client for Vista, that is powered by WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation). Witty has seen a lot of updates since its inception. The latest version of Witty contains almost all Twitter traditional features of a desktop Twitter client. The latest version of Witty is 2.1.0.

Drilldown :
  • View Twitter timeline from the people you follow
  • Auto refreshing of timeline
  • View recent replies to you
  • Update your Twitter status
  • View and respond to Direct messages
  • Opening of links in the user's default browser
But, I would say the really nice thing is the UI of Witty. It comes with a totally uncluttered surface with four tabs Recent, Replies, User and Messages. There is a Refresh tab placed above all these four tabs. And, then the interactive features such as replying to an user, retweeting, sending a direct message can be viewed by rightclicking a particular user's tweet. The user can also choose from a variety of URL shortening services such as Tiny URL, Bit.ly, is.gd and cligs by pressing on the options tab.

Extra code-specific features:
  • Minimizing to the system tray
  • Spell checking
  • New messages displayed with a yellow fade technique
  • Custom styles and resources
  • Skins and skinning
Witty comes with three themes to choose from : Aero (default), Aero Compact and Cool Blue. Witty is really worth a try for Windows XP and Windows Vista users. The remarkable feature of Witty is its UI. Give it a try! Download Witty from here.

Follow Witty.

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Sathis Raj
Techie, Blogger, Web Developer & Social Media Enthusiast

Techie, Blogger & Software Programmer


*We are not affiliated with Twitter or any other products mentioned above. The products are analyzed from our own point of view.

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