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Twitterfone - Convert voice to text and post in Twitter

Posted by Sathis Raj S On 6:16 AM

Wouldnt it be interesting if you can send voice messages to Twitter? Now, that's not exactly voice. But, your voice gets converted to text messages and are posted to your Twitter timeline.

In this context, Twitterfone is really an exceptional application. The conversion of spoken words to text has so far never been heard of in this social-networking industry. This service would really be useful to challenged users who cant use a regular keyboard to post their tweets.

All the user has to do is to register his mobile phone number along with his Twitter account to Twitterfone. The tweets are sent by calling up a local number and speaking your message to it. Twitterfone is really useful if you are on the go and dont have to time login to the internet and post your messages.

  • Transcribes your voice to text and posts it on Twitter
  • Free service
  • Users regular phone minutes from your phone plan
  • Twitterfone numbers available in many countries!
  • No courtesy call, just answer your tweet over phone and hang up.
  • 5-10 minutes after your call - Voila! You find your post on Twitter.
  • Ability to listen back to your Twitterfone stream before posting.
  • Record an @ reply by pressing 2
  • Send a direct message by pressing 3
  • Ability to listen to previous tweets as well
At present, Twitterfone is only in an invitation only mode. Once you have an invitation, you can register with the Twitterfone service. Validation of your mobile phone takes place during registration for security purposes. Wishes for everybody to get the invitation and try out Twitterfone. Definitely, a gud tool!

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Sathis Raj
Techie, Blogger, Web Developer & Social Media Enthusiast

Techie, Blogger & Software Programmer


*We are not affiliated with Twitter or any other products mentioned above. The products are analyzed from our own point of view.

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