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In the past few months, traffic on Twitter has exploded growing far beyond its circle of bleeding edge tech enthusiasts and hard core social networkers. Twitter is growing at the rate of 1382 percent as of March '09. Twitter is neither a fad nor a feature, its a growing giant.


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Twiddeo - Twitter + Video!!

Posted by Simbu On 1:32 AM

What if instead of TELLING people what you are doing, you could SHOW them? Now, it is possible with Twiddeo. Twiddeo allows users to upload - via web or mobile (email) - videos and aggregate those videos into Twitter, the same way a standard Twitter update happens.

Twiddeo is a mash-up between Twitter API and vSocial's Social Media API. To use the Twiddeo service users authenticate with their Twitter username and password to enable web uploads and to generate a unique email address to send videos from their mobile device. It also allows users to directly record the video using their web cam.

The users can view the videos in Twitter site itself by using Twiddeo Greasemonkey script in Firefox. Twiddeo also displays the recent public videos uploaded by the users. Twiddeo allows users to continue using Twitter as the aggregator it has become — no need to be tied into a website or a standalone application — while enabling video as a service within Twitter. This lets users start sending and viewing video tweets within minutes.

Developers cultivate patience, because the Twiddeo API will be made available to the public eye soon.

Drilldown :
  • Public timeline shows the videos added to Twitter from Twiddeo
  • No separate login required. Twitter account is just enough.
  • Upload from your computer, send from your phone or record directly from your webcam.
  • Powered by vSocial Social Media API and vSocial Media Playr

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Sathis Raj
Techie, Blogger, Web Developer & Social Media Enthusiast

Techie, Blogger & Software Programmer


*We are not affiliated with Twitter or any other products mentioned above. The products are analyzed from our own point of view.

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