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Twitter Charts - Graph your tweets

Posted by Sathis Raj S On 12:22 AM

Twitter Charts is a Yahoo Pipes/Google Charts mashup. Twitter Charts graphs any users tweets based on a timeline that includes days of the week and by the hour. Twitter Charts is a really great way to check out how much active any user is on Twitter. Also, the engagement of the user with other users can also be found out by checking the chart, because it also reveals the portions of the tweets which are replies.

The Twitter user's tweets are gathered via Yahoo Pipes! and rendered using the Google Chart API. Check out the chart of Ashton Kutcher, the actor with the more number of followers:

The most interesting aspect of this project is that, other than the static files being served up by xefer.com itself, no other server-side processing is being done here; all the processing is being handled by Yahoo Pipes and Google, and of course Twitter itself which is ultimately hosting the raw data.
At the beginning when you enter a new user name, you can find the time taken by the chart to show up is really slow. But once done, you can find the subsequent runs to be faster because of Yahoo!'s caching of the generated output. If you really need to know, how the client side Javascript processing the raw data for Google Charts is done, kindly check it out here.

A really engaging tool to check out how you spend your time on Twitter. Twitter Charts is a product of Xefer.

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Sathis Raj
Techie, Blogger, Web Developer & Social Media Enthusiast

Techie, Blogger & Software Programmer


*We are not affiliated with Twitter or any other products mentioned above. The products are analyzed from our own point of view.

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