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In the past few months, traffic on Twitter has exploded growing far beyond its circle of bleeding edge tech enthusiasts and hard core social networkers. Twitter is growing at the rate of 1382 percent as of March '09. Twitter is neither a fad nor a feature, its a growing giant.


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TweetVolume - Find popular keywords in Twitter

Posted by Sathis Raj S On 12:54 AM

With millions and millions of people tweeting everyday and with thousands of tweets per minute, its very hard to locate and identify popular keywords in Twitter. TweetVolume is a really useful service which really solves the problem in this niche. TweetVolume is a service powered by Wowza and it makes use of Google and Twitter APIs.

The interface is really simple, yet powerful. Easy to manage and use. All the user has to do is enter the keywords in the textboxes provided and BAM! the user will be provided with a bar-graph which indicates the number of times the search term has been used. Multiple keywords can be compared side by side. A really useful tool for tracking down events, or to compare your popularity with anyone else. (Dont compare it with celebrities, you will be thoroughly disappointed! :P)

I had the urge to compare the bigwigs in different arenas - Google, Mashable, Twitter, Facebook & Apple. And, pretty stunning - the result was expected. Twitter leads the list and it wins by a pretty huge, huge margin.

Drilldown :
  • No login required.
  • Simple interface, powerful results.
  • Maximum of five keywords can be searched side by side.
  • Useful for searching single words and long phrases too.
  • Share chart with your friends.
Backdrop :
  • Logically, we find that Twitter wins heads first in the comparison made! But, what does the number at the bottom of the bargraphs indicate. Are they results for a month, a week or ....? No explanation given in the website, though I have seen a few comments by users regarding the same confusion.

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Sathis Raj
Techie, Blogger, Web Developer & Social Media Enthusiast

Techie, Blogger & Software Programmer


*We are not affiliated with Twitter or any other products mentioned above. The products are analyzed from our own point of view.

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