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Viral Tweets - Get Twitter followers automatically

Posted by Sathis Raj S On 11:31 PM

Viral Tweet is a script that you place on your website that allows your users to send out a Twitter message on your behalf. You decide what the message is and your users send your tweets to their Twitter followers. Hence, as a result there is a viral wave of tweets through your followers.

How does it work?

Consider someone visits your website which has been pre-installed with the Viral Tweet script. They will enter their Twitter username and password, enter the message and hit the "Tweet now" button. This will send the message in the form field out to their followers.

How to install?

Installing is simple. Download the file and extract the contents of the file and upload to your website. Once, it is done, visit http://www.-yoursitename-.com/viraltweets to create your viral tweets code. You are almost done. Paste the code on any page of your website to get viral tweets working.

How to keep track?

When a visitor sends out your message, it gets displayed in the Twitter public timeline. You can search for your message by typing out in http://search.twitter.com and check out who has tweeted out your message.

What is needed?

ViralTweet can be very useful if you have a noteworthy product and you want the world to know about it. You need to have hosting with PHP enabled where you can upload all the files. Then, you need to have a domain name. And, finally you need to have a Twitter account.

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Sathis Raj
Techie, Blogger, Web Developer & Social Media Enthusiast

Techie, Blogger & Software Programmer


*We are not affiliated with Twitter or any other products mentioned above. The products are analyzed from our own point of view.

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