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BubbleTweet - Pop up video on Twitter

Posted by Sathis Raj S On 7:40 AM

Twitter, as we generally know is text based. But, BubbleTweet comes up with an innovative approach to post your own videos on Twitter. As any other service, BubbleTweet is also free. Each and every BubbleTweet is given with its own URL. A count is also kept on how many people are visiting each BubbleTweet. BubbleTweet starts with a simple redirect URL that leaves you on some other user's Twitter page. Immediately, a small bubble appears and starts playing a small video starring the profile's owner.

Signing up is easy and there is no need for any registration for BubbleTweet. One can log into BubbleTweet using his/her Twitter username. The user must then record/upload a short video. It's done. The user will be given a custom BubbleTweet URL. As already mentioned, a count is kept on the hits a BubbleTweet URL gets. A user can create three BubbleTweet URL's per day.

Most of the users consider BubbleTweet as just a fancy tool. But, its not so. Think about it this way. Consider you are grazing Twitter pages, you have no proof whether the Twitter pages belongs to a normal human user or a bot (Now that, Twitter bots are common!). With the help of BubbleTweet, a user gets one step closer with the person the Twitter page belongs to. And the BubbleTweet user is given 30 seconds to inspire the person who is grazing through his/her page.

BubbleTweet is definitely a useful tool for Twitter users. One can use it for music/movie reviews, explain about his business or even post something about the hangover he had last weekend after an indefinite booze.

A High 5 for BubbleTweet!

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Sathis Raj
Techie, Blogger, Web Developer & Social Media Enthusiast

Techie, Blogger & Software Programmer


*We are not affiliated with Twitter or any other products mentioned above. The products are analyzed from our own point of view.

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