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Twitalyzer - Measure your Twitter influence

Posted by Sathis Raj S On 7:34 AM

Ever felt the need to measure your influence on the social networking startup of the century?! (Ahem! Ahem! I mean Twitter!) Almost everyone has the urge to measure their influence on Twitter. Twitalyzer gives you the answer to the aforementioned difficult question.
Twitalyzer is a unique tool to evaluate the activity of any Twitter user and report on relative influence, signal-to-noise ratio, generosity, velocity, clout, and other useful measures of success in social media.

I used the Twitalyzer for Ashton Kutcher's account! Check it out!

As you see, each account is analyzed on five different categories
  • Influence
  • Signal
  • Generosity
  • Velocity
  • Clout

How is influence measured?
  • Your relative reach in Twitter, measured by the number of followers you have
  • Your relative authority, measured by the number of times you are "retweeted"
  • Your relative generosity, measured by the number of times you "retweet" others
  • Your relative clout, measured by the number of times you are referenced by others
  • Your relative velocity, measured by the number of updates you publish over a seven day period

How is Signal to Noise ratio measured?
  • References to other people (defined by the use of "@" followed by text)
  • Links to URLs you can visit (defined by the use of "http://" followed by text)
  • Hashtags you can explore and participate with (defined by the use of "#" followed by text)
  • Retweets of other people, passing along information (defined by the use of "rt", "r/t/", "retweet" or "via")
How is Generosity measured?

Generosity is ones ability to retweet thus creating awareness and idea among your followers. Generosity is measured on the basis of the ratio of retweets you pass along to all updates you publish.
How is Velocity measured?

Velocity, as the original term means simply the rate at which you are contributing your posts on Twitter.
How is Clout measured?

Clout is the likelihood that other people will reference you in Twitter. The more people who reference you, the higher the clout.

Other Features:
  • Provides an add-on for Firefox.
  • Integration of Google analytics with Twitter providing Twitter Analytics.
Twitalyzer is an amazing tool if you are a Twitter fan! Use Twitalyzer and find out your own influence on Twitter.

Follow Twitalyzer.

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Sathis Raj
Techie, Blogger, Web Developer & Social Media Enthusiast

Techie, Blogger & Software Programmer


*We are not affiliated with Twitter or any other products mentioned above. The products are analyzed from our own point of view.

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