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Cheap Tweet - Scan Twitter for Sales & Deals

Posted by Sathis Raj S On 12:38 AM

CheapTweet is a tool which scans Twitter for the best deals, coupons and sales that people are tweeting about. CheapTweet lets users rate deal by saying "ITS CHEAP" or "ITS LAME". "Its Cheap" refers to good deals and "Its Lame" refers to not so good deal. Deals move to the cheapest
section if they get enough deals.

SendMeDiscounts.co.uk measured an 1846% increase in “Cheap Tweets” on Twitter, they are tweets that contained a bargain or special offer, between June and August 2009. The study was undertaken by identifying 20 of the most common words that Twitter users and retailers posted in their Tweets to identify a bargain, such words or #Hashtags included ‘Deal’ and ‘Sale’. These words were then monitored, by using Twitter Trends and specialist Twitter websites such as Hashtags.org and Twist, for the whole of July to calculate the increase in the number of relevant Tweets posted. - Sourcewire
The above article from Sourcewire does not refer to the tool. But, I have included it just to show the power of Twitter in making sales and deals and how if CheapTweets if rightly used can be a killer application.

CheapTweet automatically tracks your tweets if you tweet about sales and deals and adds them to the site. But, be sure to include a link.

Tips on writing Tweets to get indexed by Cheap Tweets:
  • Be specific
  • Provide useful links
  • Get retweets
  • Dont spam
Users can also include #cheaptweet hashtag in their tweets, though this is not actually required to be indexed. Anyways including #cheaptweet tag is no harm if you have enough space in your tweets. Users can check out whether their tweets have been indexed or not by visiting http://cheaptweet.com/twitterers/TWITTER_USERNAME and finding their deal. Users should also sign into CheapTweet to check out about the votes on the deals they have made.

Follow CheapTweet.

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Sathis Raj
Techie, Blogger, Web Developer & Social Media Enthusiast

Techie, Blogger & Software Programmer


*We are not affiliated with Twitter or any other products mentioned above. The products are analyzed from our own point of view.

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