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Twellow - People search on Twitter

Posted by Sathis Raj S On 7:04 AM

A known fact - Twitter consists of millions of users. Have you ever wondered searching for people with your tastes from the millions of users is totally backbreaking? Then, the solution is just one step ahead. Join Twellow.

Twellow is a directory of public Twitter accounts, with hundreds of categories and search features to help you find people who matter to you. Twellow is maintained by WebProNews. The categories in Twellow include Aerospace and Aviation, Arts, Automotive, BioTechnology, Classifieds, Communications, Information Technology, International Business, Retailing, Recreation including various other categories.

Searching Twellow is like searching a phone book for various professional service providers. It is almost like the yellow pages of Twitter - just like what the tagline of the site mentions. Twellow is very much impressed by yellow pages because everything is in small print which includes small and apt images just as you see in the yellow pages phonebook.

Twellow requires your Twitter username and password for login. While logging in, Twellow garners information about you at Twitter such as the address of your blog if you have provided it in Twitter. Additional services by Twellow can also be acquired by following the same one step process. Providing Twellow with your username also subscribes to your social feeds to include them in Twellow and Twellow Pulse.

What is Twellow Pulse? Pulse gathers all posting about the certain topic from people who identify as interested or an expert in the particular topic. Twellowhood is another service wherein using a map you can be able to connect with people from your neighbourhood.

Twellow is definitely a boon to the social media community and a service no social media enthusiast should ever miss.

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Sathis Raj
Techie, Blogger, Web Developer & Social Media Enthusiast

Techie, Blogger & Software Programmer


*We are not affiliated with Twitter or any other products mentioned above. The products are analyzed from our own point of view.

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