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TwitterGadget - Now Tweet from your GMail or iGoogle

Posted by Sathis Raj S On 4:26 AM

TwitterGadget is a clean, robust and a hypercool web 2.0 gadget for Twitter which helps the user to tweet from his iGoogle homepage or directly from his Gmail account.


Features :
  • Auto refresh
  • Customizable
  • URL shortening (with trunc.it)
  • Symbol insertion
  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • Media uploads
  • Built-in search
  • Built-in translate
  • Easy retweets
  • Expand short-URLs
  • @reply autocomplete
  • Shrink long tweets
  • Saved searches

GMail has a wide reach throughout the world. A regular GMail user instead of using a desktop client for tweeting can choose TwitterGadget over a wide variety of clients available.Why should the user do that? Because having Twitter inside GMail is just awesome. TwitterGadget is a simple text box that sits on the lower left corner of the GMail window below the chat list. Most users keep their GMail open in a tab everytime they are online. So, when they need to tweet something all they need to do is go to GMail and tweet from there. Checking your mails and tweeting - both done in a single open tab! Aint it simple?

How to install Twitter Gadget inside GMail?

Installing TwitterGadget inside GMail is quite simple. Just follow the steps mentioned below.

1) Navigate to the 'Settings' section on Gmail and press 'Labs' tab!
2) Enable "Add any gadget by URL". This is a really useful tool which enables the user to add external gadgets to their GMail account similar to iGoogle.

3) Press the 'Gadgets' tab and enter the following URL in 'Add any gadget by its URL'.

4) You are done. The Twittergadget appears at the lower left corner of your GMail window below the chat section.

The gadget may appear too small at the beginning and you may even start doubting whether you can properly tweet from it. But, there are an awesome lot of functionalities you may not even imagine. The 'Advanced Section' shows that you can almost modify everything in the gadget. The user can choose a variety of themes for the gadget or one can even choose to bring in his/her own Twitter.com profile colours here. The height of the gadget can be increased.
Keyboard shortcuts can be enabled/disabled. I find this shortcuts to be another awesome functionality in this gadget. Listing down the few basic shortcuts for easy tweeting:

Keyboard shortcuts:
  • Home            - Ctrl + H
  • Replies          - Ctrl + R
  • Directs           - Ctrl + D
  • Favorites        - Ctrl + F
  • All                  - Ctrl + E
The user can also view the trending topics, saved searches or their own statistics from the gadget too. I find TwitterGadget to be really really cool because I used to have my GMail window open whenever I am online. For me, TwitterGadget really paves a way for easy tweeting. You go, TwitterGadget.

Follow TwitterGadget.

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Sathis Raj
Techie, Blogger, Web Developer & Social Media Enthusiast

Techie, Blogger & Software Programmer


*We are not affiliated with Twitter or any other products mentioned above. The products are analyzed from our own point of view.

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