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In the past few months, traffic on Twitter has exploded growing far beyond its circle of bleeding edge tech enthusiasts and hard core social networkers. Twitter is growing at the rate of 1382 percent as of March '09. Twitter is neither a fad nor a feature, its a growing giant.


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Tweetizen - Discover Tweets That Matter You

Posted by Simbu On 3:57 AM

Imagine if u can have instant access to the breaking news and latest tweets on all your areas of interest in one place rather than creating multiple Twitter accounts just for getting what you want. Now, Tweetizen makes it possible. Tweetizen is a simple web-based tool that helps to create a group which filters the tweets that are relevant you.

Tweetizen allows the users to create groups and to share it with others. You can create two types of groups - the one which filters tweets based on your interest and the other which filters tweets from your family and friends. After going through millions of tweets,Tweetizen's filtering mechanism provides the users with the pertinent tweets by taking the user's tags and keywords into consideration.

  • Sign-up using a Twitter account.
  • Create a group and select the type.
  • Enter either keywords and tags or username depending on the group type.
  • Share the results or embed to your own website.

The login process of this application is integrated with OAuth which allows secured authentication. You can also post your tweets from tweetizen.The best feature of this application is that, it provides an option for the users to embed their group on their own website or blog. If you own a website, then embedding this widget is a must, as it gives your users, a real-time streaming of tweets which makes your website dynamic and interactive.

Follow Tweetizen.

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Sathis Raj
Techie, Blogger, Web Developer & Social Media Enthusiast

Techie, Blogger & Software Programmer


*We are not affiliated with Twitter or any other products mentioned above. The products are analyzed from our own point of view.

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