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Twittermail - Now tweet directly from your email

Posted by Sathis Raj S On 8:19 AM

Twittermail is a really useful service which helps the user to post to Twitter by sending an email. Login is using Twitter user ID and password. Once the user has logged into Twitter, they are supplied with a specific Twittermail email address. The Twittermail email id is unique for each and every user, hence it must be kept confidential.


Post to Twitter:

Send a message to your secret Twittermail id, which will be posted as a tweet in your timeline. Leave the subject line empty for a normal message.

Send photos:

Send a photo in email as an attachment, which will be posted in your timeline using Twitpic.

Recieve @ replies:

When a user sends you an @ reply, the message will be sent directly to your email id.

Recive the recent timeline:

Send an email with the subject 'Friends' or 'f', you will be sent a message with the last 20 posts from all your friends.

Send a loooooooooong tweet: (Innovative!)

Now, you need not worry about the 140-character limit in Twitter. When you send an email longer than 140 characters, the full message will be kept in Twittermail itself and only the first 140 characters of the message will be posted in Twitter with a 'Read More' link at the end.

Send tweets for the future: (Innovative!)

When the user has to post a particular tweet only after a while, all the user has to do is to include that particular time in the Subject of the email.

Twitter down? Use Twittermail: (Innovative!)

When you need to post a tweet very urgently, but everytime you try it says Twitter is down. It would be quite frustrating eh? Dont worry. Just send an email containing your message to Twittermail. Your tweet will be posted as soon as Twitter comes alive.

Follow Twittermail.

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Sathis Raj
Techie, Blogger, Web Developer & Social Media Enthusiast

Techie, Blogger & Software Programmer


*We are not affiliated with Twitter or any other products mentioned above. The products are analyzed from our own point of view.

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