The top categories are calculated on the basis of the total number of followers everyone in that particular category has. The statistics when I am posting this is
- Celebrity (11,113,016)
- TV (9, 613,133)
- Entrepreneur (8,117,270)
- News (7,896,471)
- SocialMedia (7,834,198)
- Music (7,775,133)
Wefollow displays the Top 10 Twitter users overall on the homepage.
To add yourself, send a Twitter reply to WeFollow. The Twitter reply should contain the categories you wish to be listed under. The user can be listed only under three categories. Each category name should be preceded by a '#' sign.
For example,
@wefollow #socialmedia #entrepreneur #celebrity
The above query will list you under the Social Media, Entrepreneur and Celebrity category. The user can name any category he/she wishes. Anything will be made a category once someone assign themselves to it. Depending upon the number of followers, your ranking in the particular category begins to grow. Wefollow succeeds by differentiating people into different categories thus making the users to easily identify people with their taste.
The image on the left shows the categories in Wefollow.