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140it - Shrtn ur Tweet lnth!

Posted by Sathis Raj S On 11:19 PM

140it is a service which reduces your tweets to less than 140 characters. 140it is useful for those people who find it difficult to keep their tweets within the 140 character limit. Although, most technophiles have accomodated themselves to the slangs of Twitter, there are many normal people out there who find it difficult. Voila! 140it is there to help them.

140it converts words such as are to 'r' to keep it within the 140 character limit. "I am" gets converted to "Im". Such common substitutions are made. It uses bit.ly to reduce the length of URLs. If your tweet contains a company name, then it is swapped to its corresponding StockTwit symbol. The algorithm works very fine. And the message is conveyed to the user's followers without any lack of coherence.

140it is similar to the working of Tweetshrink, though in Tweetshrink one has to visit their homepage to shorten their tweets. 140it removes that particular burden off the user by giving the user a choice to place its button the user's browser thus making it simple.

Features :
  • Reducing words to understandable abbreviations without change of meaning.
  • Use of bit.ly to shrink URLs.
  • Substitution of company names with their StockTwits symbols.

140it Demo from Vinicius Vacanti on Vimeo.

Follow 140it.

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Sathis Raj
Techie, Blogger, Web Developer & Social Media Enthusiast

Techie, Blogger & Software Programmer


*We are not affiliated with Twitter or any other products mentioned above. The products are analyzed from our own point of view.

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