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Twubble - Look for more people to follow!

Posted by Sathis Raj S On 11:30 PM

Twubble searches for your friend graph and notifies you with people whom you may like to follow. Twubble is a web mashup. Twubble uses Twitter API to search through your friends list and suggest you with some more people to follow. The algorithm is simple. Twubble combs through your friends list and suggests users to you with a lot of followers who are not already in your follow list. Twubble is a simlar mashup like Twittervision and Twitterspy.

The founder Bob Lee was working in Google. Bob Lee's interview to Ajaxian,

If you use Twitter, Twubble can look at your existing friends' friends and recommend new people for you to follow. It's a stupid simple idea, but I think the execution and fun factor have won people over.

I wrote Twubble in a couple nights of hacking in bed after the kid went to sleep. I used the latest Google Web Toolkit milestone which supports Java 5 (flawlessly from my experience). I was writing Javascript code (server and client side) for years before I ever got into Java, but I have to say, you’d be crazy to write AJAX apps any other way than GWT nowadays.

Twubble returns the same results again and again, but the first run-through would do good. If you want to find friends and colleagues, then Twubble would be just fine.

Follow Twubble.
Follow Bob Lee.

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Sathis Raj
Techie, Blogger, Web Developer & Social Media Enthusiast

Techie, Blogger & Software Programmer


*We are not affiliated with Twitter or any other products mentioned above. The products are analyzed from our own point of view.

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